2. Frequently Asked Questions

This chapter provides answers to the most frequent help requests on simple tasks in QGIS.

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, you can always request to be covered at geospatialdata@pre-construct.com

2.1. How to import a delimited text file

QGIS official documentation at https://docs.qgis.org/3.28/en/docs/user_manual/managing_data_source/opening_data.html#importing-a-delimited-text-file

Delimited text files (e.g. .txt, .csv, .dat, .wkt) can be loaded using the dedicated tools. You can also drag and drop Delimited text files from the system file manager into the map canvas, but the procedure described below will allow you to configure each aspect of the importing.

Also, more important, if the Delimited text file contains geometric information (fields containing coordinates), the only way to process and visualise the geometric data is by adding the file to the project by importing it through the dedicated tool.

2.2. How to import a DXF file

QGIS official documentation at https://docs.qgis.org/3.28/en/docs/user_manual/managing_data_source/opening_data.html#importing-a-dxf-or-dwg-file